But I'm convinced there must be the quilting equivalent of ESP, which, subconsciously, draws quilters together. For somehow or other, quilting seems to make itself a part of every trip I take.
And this trip was no exception.
A highlight of the visit was a reunion of graduates of my alma mater, Memorial University. This was an exciting event, as I reconnected with classmates whom I hadn't seen for years. At the start of the final banquet, I knew only two other couples (long-time friends) seated at our table, but before the evening was over, I had found two new quilting friends who just happened to fill the empty seats at our table - Phyllis, from Conception Bay South (CBS) and Iris from Ottawa.
Naturally we talked quilting, exchanged names and email addresses and promised to keep in touch.
Later on, Gordon and I visited Piecemakers Quilt Shop in CBS and who should walk in but Phyllis! While we chatted, another quilter joined us, and Phyllis introduced her. She was Bonnie, whom I had email correspondence with, but had never met in person.
By this time, Gordon had gone outside and was deep in conversation with Phyllis' husband. No doubt comparing notes on being a quilter's husband!
There was another quilting connection as well. The day before I left home, the autumn issue of Canadian Quilter arrived. I only had time to glance through it, but as I did, I saw the photo and article on The Pigeon Inlet Quilt, recently completed by quilters in Bay Roberts, NL and now displayed in the tourist information centre in that town. I determined to see it, if at all possible.
QESP was operating as I mingled with other alumni prior to the banquet. Before long, I found out I was talking to Eileen Newman, the quilter who had made the central block of the Pigeon Inlet Quilt. Later on, as I viewed the quilt, itself, I marvelled at the workmanship of Eileen and the other quilters who imagined, designed, and constructed such a remarkable quilt.
Non-quilters might call these connections the long-arm of coincidence. But as a quilter, I know it's more than that. It's definitely QESP!